Cada línea contiene la fecha y el lugar del juicio, el número de páginas guardadas en la historia del juicio, el nombre del acusado y la acusación.
De los acusados, 48 son varones, 11 mujeres, 20 son clérigos (incluyendo a una mujer). Seis son acusados de practicar el Judaísmo, uno de Luteranismo, 28 de ofensas sexuales, y 13 de brujería y superstición.
Survey of Mexican Inquisition Documents at
The Bancroft Library
Each line gives the date and place of the trial, the number of leaves in the trial record, the name of the accused, and the accusation. Of the accused, 48 are men, 11 are women; 20 are members of the clergy (including one woman). Six are accused of practicing Judaism, one of Lutheranism, 28 of sexual offenses, and 13 of witchcraft or superstition.
Date | Place | No. of leaves | Name | Accusation |
1593 | Guadalajara | 131 | Miguel Redelic alias Miguel Alemán | suspicion of being a Lutheran |
1594 | Mexico City | 698 | Manuel de Lucena | practicing Judaism |
1595 | Mexico City | 332 | Leonor de Carvajal | practicing Judaism |
1595 | Mexico City | 400 | Isabel de Carvajal | heresy and practicing Judaism |
1597 | Mexico City | 31 | Blas de Magallares | not believing in the Holy Virgin |
1606 | Guatemala | 26 | Francisco Monterroso Negro | asserting that sexual intercourse with him was not a sin |
1617 | Mexico City | 14 | Lucas del Castillo | denounced himself for breaking an image of |
1621 | Querétaro | 69 | Agustina Ruiz | claiming sexual intercourse with saints |
623 | Mexico City | 36 | Ana de San Ambrosio | revelations and clairvoyance |
1646 | Mexico City | 18 | Margarita Moreira | practicing Judaism |
1647 | Mexico City | 6 | Antonia Núñez | practicing Judaism |
1651 | Mexico City | 82 | Isabel de la Cruz Mejía | fraud, clairvoyance, and pact with the devil |
1652 | Puebla | 133 | Mario de Rivera | witchcraft |
1685 | Mexico City | 100 | Ana María de Morales del Río alias del Costado de Cristo | fraud, false sanctity, revelations, and apparitions |
1694 | Mexico City | 10 | Br. Miguel Alvarez | solicitation |
1706 | Mexico City | 76 | Fray Francisco Rodríguez alias Martín de Bescanza | taking the habit of a lay brother of St. Francis in |
1712 | Mexico City | 20 | María Ortiz Espejo | superstition |
1713 | Sinaloa | 6 | Ignacio de Soto | seeking sexual intercourse with a woman by telling her God had ordered it |
1728 | Mexico City | 28 | Fray Tomás de Molina | saying mass and giving penance without being a pries |
1728 | Mexico City | 20 (not bound) | Dr. Juan de Palafox (?) | disobedience of nuns of the Convent of Balnavera |
1733 | Mexico City | 24 | Fray Miguel Saijas | being married and a cleric |
1743/1756 ? | Mexico City | 14 | Vicente de Olasagástegui bigamy 1750 | Mexico City 20 Tomás de Sandoval solicitation |
1757 | Mexico City | 31 | Valentín Martínez de Arizaga | bigamy |
1758 | Mexico City | 10 | Vicente Urtado alias José Vicente Candelaria | bigamy |
1767 | Mexico City | 6 | Tomás Peña | fraud, superstition, and unlicensed practice of medicine |
1770 | Mexico City | 70 | Ignacia Gerundio de Ochoa | witchcraft, abuse of the sacraments, and superstition |
1771 | Mexico City | 128 | Toribio Bastarrachea | officiating in the marriage of two dogs |
1771 | Mexico City | 19 | Padre Fray Domingo Mauriño solicitation in the confessional 1774 | Mexico City 12 Fray Pedro Revuelta solicitation |
1774 | Cosamaluapan | 62 | Bernardo Ortega | superstitious practices |
1775 | Pachuca | 96 | Manuel Arroyo | counseling that sucking semen from men was not a sin |
1775 | Mexico City | 8 | Vicente Avita y Rojas alias Enríquez del Castillo o Gallard | bigamy |
1778 | Veracruz | 72 | file titled "Entretenimiento de España," a satirical paper critical of crown and religious authority | |
1779 | Mexico City | 14 | Manuel de la Presentación | solicitation |
1781 | Mexico City | 10 | Luis Francisco Valdivieso | superstition |
1783 | Oaxaca | 68 | José Bravo | solicitation |
1785 | Mexico City | 10 | Fray Ignacio Carvajal | solicitation |
1785 | Mexico City | 26 | Pablo Francisco Raymondi | solicitation |
1789 | Antigua, Guatemala | 54 (missing first page | Rafael Crijanto Gil Rodríguez | practicing Judaism |
1789 | Mexico City | 31 | Fray Antonio Gamboa | solicitation |
1791 | Puebla | 42 | Br. Miguel Sánchez | solicitation |
1792 | Querétaro | 23 | Fray Juan de Ortega | solicitation in the confessional |
1793 | Puebla | 130 ? | José Manjarres | superstition |
1793 | Mexico City | 48 | Fray Antonio Gamboa | solicitation |
1793 | Mexico City | 23 | Fray Joaquín García | solicitation in the confessional |
1793 | Puebla | 30 | Padre Diego Gregorio Alerci y Chávez alias José el niño Jesús | solicitation |
1793 | Tlalmanalco | 35 | Fernando Fernández alias José Polanco | superstition |
1796 | Zacatecas | 33 | Fray Manuel Pedrajo | solicitation in the confessional |
1797 | Mexico City | 9 | Madre María Micaela | hipocracy, false visions, revelations, and miracles |
1797 | Zacatecas | 105 | Fray Venancio Silva y Noroña | solicitation |
1798 | Tlalmanalco | 12 | Ignacio Guiriñola | superstition |
1801 | N.P. | 131 | José María de Lanza | breach of promise |
1802 | Mexico City | 155 (in 2 pieces) | Fray Nicolás de Lara | solicitation |
1803 | Mexico City | 46 | Jose María Estévez y Rabanillo | revelations and visions |
1805 | Mexico City | 40 | Fray Francisco Pasadilla | solicitation |
1808 | Mérida de Yucatán | 14 | Fray José Almeida | solicitation |
1810 | Mexico City | 20 | file of evidence regarding a Proclamation of Joseph Bonaparte, king of | |
1811 | Mexico City | 84 | file of evidence of proclamations and manifestos of insurrection | |
1811 | Mexico City | 10 | Br. José Ignacio Romero | solicitation in the confessional |
1815 | Mexico City | 58 | Juan Atondo Sánchez | abandoned vows, married, and aided insurgents |
1817 | Mexico City | 22 | Manuel Vélez de las Cuevas | solicitation |
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